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University of Zurich: International Business Transactions and Technology Transfer

Institution University of Zurich
Department Faculty of Law
Telephone + 41 44 634 48 90
Study type Taught


The LL.M. Business Transactions and Technology Transfer includes a General Course and a Specialization Courses, comprising approximately 420 lectures. The program is completed with the submission of a thesis. Students will profit from our LL.M. program specially designed and developed for lawyers working in an international field.

The General Course lectures build the foundation for the subsequent Specialization Course. After an introduction to the economic and legal foundations of the international economy and important foreign areas of law, the emphasis shifts to European and international business (e.g., EU Common Market, Competition Law, WTO, Corporate Law, Tax and Corporate Criminal Law).

The first part of the specialization course focuses on the design of international contracts. The basics include international private law issues such as choice of law, CISG and alternative forms of dispute resolution. In addition, the course addresses the hedging performance from the customer's perspective, the assurance of payment entitlements and contract enforceability in different international contexts. An overview of the measures that enable companies of their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) obligations are also essential. The module Technology Transfer first explains how technology is protected by patent, copyright, design, trademark and know-how protection. In the second part of this module the focus is on the commercialization of technology through licensing agreements. The LL.M. International Business Transactions and Technology Transfer focuses on the aspects of Swiss, European, American, and International Law. The student should be able to solve the problems independently that arise in international contract practice and technology transfer.


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