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Studying an LLM: 10 Things You Definitely Don't Want To Know!
Studying a Master of Laws is a fulfilling and exciting thing to do, not to mention being a great achievement. This is why every year tens of thousands of students commit to studying this postgraduate law qualification.
We know from experience that studying an LLM really is something you won't regret doing – however to make sure you are properly prepared we thought we'd better give you a round up of 10 things you'd really rather not know about doing an LLM program... But don't let this put you off as a Master of Laws is a qualification well worth getting!

It doesn’t guarantee a job in the future - but it will almost certainly help...
Of course it won't guarantee your perfect job but it will almost certainly be a step in the right direction. Remember nothing must stop you from chasing your dream if you are truly keen on learning more about the subject and confident in working hard!
Fees may increase... but so will your earning potential!
You don’t want to be discouraged from the start after hearing that fees have gone up when you are applying… So be prepared – fees may go up! Read full information on course fees before applying. But don't worry too much – there is plenty of help with postgraduate funding out there, including our Global LLM Study Bursaries.
The module you want gets scrapped
New LLM courses may be introduced in one year and scrapped in the next…you don’t want to see yourself stuck-in-the-muck for the reason that the module didn’t fill a minimum number when you pay such high fees! Keep more module choices open and ask the right questions during open days. The same can apply when an academic whose course you wanted to take happens to go off on a sabbatical – so it’s important to keep an open mind as there are plenty of great academics and modules out there.
Missing the scholarship deadline
Worry not! If this happens, write back to the uni and ask if there are any outside funding opportunities still available. Also get online and look for other independent bursaries and scholarships such as the Global LLM Study Bursaries. To maximize funding options, plan early and list funding options including deadlines.
Too much reading
You’ll be reading, reading, reading. You simply won’t be able to escape the reading. You are signing up for a program that requires extensive reading hours and intensive deliberation – before, during and after seminars. Get yourself to the library when semester begins to find the right motivation and start as you mean to go on.
Colossal costs
If you aren’t one of the lucky scholarship students and thought that the bulk of your expenses ended when you paid for full tuition, then think again! Living as a student in a city like London can be expensive and more so, especially if you’re tempted by social events and eating out - on second thoughts don't worry about the social events as the next point reveals you have to prepare to have no social life at all.
No social life
LLM study is often known to be cramped with demanding seminars, weekly tutorials, mock tests and assignment deadlines leaving no room for that weekend hangover… However take comfort in the fact that students party harder after finishing work especially if it’s well before deadlines.
There’s nowhere to live
Your preferred accommodation unavailable… so where are you going to live? Info desks at universities usually have several alternative options for nearby accommodation which could be less expensive too! So grab that info from them ASAP!
You may choose the wrong specialisation
LLM students wish they had specialised in one subject rather than doing a general program while others would have preferred a different specialisation than what they opted for…You don’t want to be faced with these dilemmas half-way into your course. Decide on topics early-on and talk to staff and alumni to help you decide. Remember they're there to help you and ultimately everyone wants you to succeed.
No time to explore - you need to make time!
Some students may complain that their LLM course is so demanding that it leaves them no time to explore their need to make time. Even if you’re on a course lasting one year, you should still have enough time to visit some great sights wherever it is you’ve chosen to study. So don’t forget to utilize those student discounts and carry student IDs wherever you go!Please don't let these 10 points put you off! Even if they all came true (which they won't) we guarantee you will be delighted with your decision to study a Master of Laws program, we simply want to ensure you have the whole picture so you really are prepared for the journey ahead.
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