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Oct. 18, 2022
Suffolk Law wins national honour for its innovative work
Suffolk Law in Boston, USA has won a national honour for action-oriented innovation following a worldwide nomination process.
Every year the College of Law Practice Management (COLPM) honours a handful of top law firms, lawyers, technical experts and others in the legal sector, with its annual InnovAction Award, and this year Suffolk Law’s Legal Innovation & Technology (LIT) Lab was among the winners.
At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, the LIT Lab launched the ‘Document Assembly Line Project’, to help citizens in Massachusetts – and later on in other states – access courts through mobile-friendly “smartforms”, at a time when the courts were not physically accessible due to covid restrictions.
This project was led by LIT Lab Director David Colarusso, Practitioner-in-Residence Quinten Steenhuis with guidance by Assistant Dean Gabriel Teninbaum, and was carried out for free by a large team of academics, volunteer experts and students.
To date, over 20,000 smart court forms have been downloaded, including 3,500 fee waivers, 500 restraining order petitions and 550 emergency housing injunction forms.
The Document Assembly Line Project has continued since the end of the pandemic, allowing other jurisdictions to improve access to courts and justice via its free, open source tools and methods. With the Lab’s help, jurisdictions in the states of Louisiana and Illinois are now customising court form apps, with organisations in six other US states training with the Lab with the same end goal.
Suffolk Law’s Legal Innovation & Technology (LIT) programs are impactful, solving real-world legal problems and training students find solutions. The expansive LIT ecosystem includes the LIT Lab, LIT Institute, LIT Concentration and the LIT Certificate Program.
Find out more about Suffolk Law.
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Content added on 18th October 2022.
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