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Master of Laws in the USA: US states
The United States is a fascinating and diverse country to live and study in, and studying your Master of Laws program here is a great way to get ahead in the increasingly global legal market. Because America is so very large and diverse, there are many different considerations you need to take into account before choosing whereabouts to study your LLM program. From West Coast to East Coast, and all of the states in between – each US state has something different to offer an LLM student, making it essential that you do your research properly to find out which state is the best one for you.
Here we give you some essential advice on studying a Master of Laws in the different states of America.
Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Florida Georgia
Hawaii Illinois Indiana Louisiana Massachusetts Michigan
Minnesota Missouri New York North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas Virginia Washington Washington DC
There are over 200 ABA accredited law schools in the United States, and all of these law schools have something different to offer. Master of Laws students can choose from studying in a big city location such as New York, Boston or Los Angeles – or instead opt for somewhere more intimate and nurturing with a more campus-based student community.
Whatever option you feel suits you best we guarantee that studying your Master of Laws in the USA is a decision you won’t regret.
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